My name is Franca, a passionate traveler and photographer from The Netherlands. From a young age I have moved a lot, at least about 10 times. I started to be known for often being on the move, something that still defines me today. When I took my first trip to Africa, I fell in love with travelling; diving into other cultures, getting to know the local people, going on adventures, you get the idea.
I studied Tourism Management, and graduated with a specialization in travel photography. What started as a hobby blossomed into a passion, and eventually into work that makes me more than happy. You can find me as an online photography coach and as a freelance photographer and videographer mainly in Europe, where my home base is in The Netherlands and Spain.
While tourism mainly opts for the highlights of places, photography encourages you to view places from different perspectives. My goal: using a combination of both, and transform it into capturing the world as I see it from my own point of view. I love to keep learning and expanding my creative and technical skills. There are so many possibilities that allow you to be the most creative version of yourself.